Another lonely "orphan" from our previous business spare parts workshop stores, a strange little pot but Oh so hard to find at a reasonable price!
These pots were used in the old Fender tremelo circuits (speed) and this is a genuine CTS product
CTS - Rotary Potentiometer
Country of origin: USA
Year of manufacture 2005 (coding 0527 refers)
CTS 450S Series
Part # 450S2546 3MEG 0527
3 Meg Ohm
REVERSE Audio Taper (Log)
Low Noise
300 degree rotation
24 slot fluted moulded shaft (nylon)
Slot head
Brass bushing
IDENTIFICATION (Stamped into two locations of the body)
CTS (topside in small text near the terminal entry point)
450S2546 3MEG 0527 (rear of the body)
Solder tag terminals
Solder terminals
Body diameter: 23.50mm
Body height: 9.8mm
Moulded shaft: 10mm length x 6.2mm diameter (fluted)
Complete with the Black locking washer & nut.
Strange value and taper (more unusual than strange) but these were called for in repairing the FENDER tremelo circuits, specifically the Speed control.
Just for my own piece of mind (it is OLD stock afterall) I have just quickly checked the track resistance and I read 3.08 Meg - very good!
Now that I have finished examining and taking a snapshot of this pot, it has been resealed into a clear plastic packet, waiting for a new workshop to live in