PLio-Magic Motion Picture Reel loaded with film
14.5" 2000ft reel
PLio-Magic was a tradename used by the manufacturer Plastic Reel Corp. of America, Carlstadt N.J
Made in USA
Black plastic with a metal central hub
Loaded with 1800ft 35mm colour film stock, Hour Of Power #12
Reel #3
Examined the film carefully ...
Leader film SMPTE and hand marked ID for the film, Hour Of Power #12 17:01
Then following this is a countdown from 8 to 2 then to black
Next frames indicate the start of sound
Leader to film proper splice
All of the above is in monochrome
Opens with Robert Schuller at the podium, colour frames.
Hour Of Power was a very successful evangalist creation of Robert Schuller in 1970 and the Hour Of Power featured on television up until 2008 after which Bobby Schuller took the helm.
I have no idea why the Hour Of Power was released in 35mm motion picture format though.
(visual inspection - I do not have a 35mm projector with which to run this up)
No cracks
No warping
Clean (no mould)
Leader film looks a bit grubby, possibly mildew
Film proper though looks clean - no signs of the grubbiness on the leader
Film stock feels flexible and not brittle or cracking
Perforations look fine, undamaged although right at the beginning of the film I can see what appears to be a perforation repair
Unable to test the sound track, no projection system
To maintain the current condition, I have sealed the reel in plastic (with a small hole in the seal to allow it to breathe) and stored upright in a cool room away from sunlight.