We had/still have a LOT of English teaware, these made for years of "special occasion enjoyment" for us.
This is a very nice example of Foley fine bone china, a cake plate. There were a number of "Foley's" in England producing chinaware, this piece is from the period when Eiljah Brain took over the company from Robinson & Sons. The date on either side of the EB graphic is NOT when this piece was made but refers to the year when Foley China Works were operated by Mr Robinson and subsequently sold to Elijah Brain.
A little bit of trivia about the Foley works, it was one of the very few who trained boys in the art of flower painting - most often the decoration work was undertaken by women in other English chinaware works.
Based on the backstamp, this cake plate was produced during the period 1948 ~ 1963, our personal opinion is that these can be narrowed down to the 1950's, when my parents bought them (yes, they are inherited "hand me downs")
DLAT Rating: 9.5/10 (Darling Look At This)
Circa 1948 ~ 1963 period (Backstamp identified)
Yes, it could also be a saucer BUT it has such a large diameter compared to standard saucers (6.25") and we DID have the saucer but it has already found a new home. So you could use it as a saucer, albiet a large one!
"Swirl ribbed" china around the sides, finished with a gentle scalloping to the rim
Bright white smooth fine china base
The bone china is translucent, meaning if held to a light source you can easily see the shadow of your fingers through the china.
Pale Blue background colouring
Bouquet of flowers painted in the central area of the plate. Bouquet is dominated by a pink rose and surrounded by various English garden flowers with foliage.
Gold gilding applied to the scalloped rim of the plate
Please see my comments below in the cosmetic condition section regarding the artwork creation
Plate measures 158mm diameter
Weight: 150g
The backstamp is printed in Mid Grey
(Graphic of an animal, something similar to a Lion with tongue extended or perhaps fire?)
18 (EB stylised logo for Elijah Brain & Company) 50
Gold gilder's mark near the backstamp
NO artwork discolouration of note EXCEPT I have noticed 2 ~ 3 small "dots" of a darker blue within the pale blue used for the overall colouring.
NO wear evident to the gold gilding
NO central knife or "cut marks" at all
Artwork shows no wear at all, being right in the centre it does get exposed to damage from items being placed on top of this plate but no marks/damage is visible.
I believe this has been hand painted, it fits with the era and looks to be hand painted with human imperfections in the colouring and outlines BUT I can also see a dullness around the artwork which suggests some sort of transfer was undertaken. I am even thinking that the artwork was indeed hand painted but onto a film and then applied to the plate, sort of like a quasi handpainted/transferware method of decoration. Running the finger over the artwork and it feels smooth, no little bumps or ridges that you get with direct to china painting. Actually the method of decoration I have suggested certainly fits with the teacup as the decoration is INSIDE the cup, that would be extremely difficult to do if painted directly onto the china.