Comedy characters created and performed by Stephen Blackburn and Mary Kenneally, and appearing in the "Brainspace" segment on the 1980s Australian television show, "Australia, You're Standing In It" - cerebral warriors!
Mainly spoken comedy, occasional musical comedy e.g Humpty Dumpty
Very Australian "cult" comedy
Tim & Debbie - Brainspace Vol II
Cat# L 38169
Australian release
Cover is in very good condition, some handling wear to the edges - no tears, no seam splits
New inner sleeve
Vinyl is in very good - excellent condition, inspected under a white halogen light source and I saw no significant marks so I have played both sides - no problems at all with surface noise.
New outer protective sleeve
Tracks: Hi, Bali, Speciesism, Sexual Harassment, Education, Barry, Humpty Dumpty, Tatar Interview, Jim Cairns, Back To The Womb, Genetic Engineering, Bush, Unemployment, Tax, All The People