A lot of music collectors seek out these Advance/Promotional releases
Some proceed to commercial releases with changed track names or even deletions, this release is pretty much as the commercial release - Advance copy
The Rubens are a band from Menangle, NSW
The Rubens - The Rubens
Ivy League Records
Cat# No catalogue number issued - Promotional advance copy
Australian promotional release of their debut album. Mono thermal printed CDr face. Note the use of thermal printing and CDr media, this is common practice by the labels or artists because it is not financially feasible to undertake short "pressed" runs, CDr being the usual option used. Thermal printers (such as Rimage) are commonly used by the recording industry.
CD clear plastic sleeve is in good condition, no bio is included.
CDr media is in very good condition, inspected under a white halogen light source and I can see some marks OUTSIDE the data area, nothing in the area that matters. I then played the ENTIRE release, every track, and there are no issues with playback at all.
Tracks: The Best We Got, My Gun, I'd Never Be The Same, Lay It Down, Be Gone, Elvis, The Day You Went Away, Surely Die, Look Good Feel Good, Don't Ever Want To Be Found, Paddy