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Matsunaga 50Hz to 1Khz Frequency Converter 0-250V/700VA

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This equipment is as removed from an international R&D facility and shipped back to Australia.

I have made some preliminary tests and examinations and details are listed in this advertisement.

Matsunaga Frequency Converter

Model TCH-700-C

Manufacturer 1998

Designed and Made in Japan - Matsunaga are well known for their AC Power products.

High quality build

Fully enclosed cabinet, slightly shorter than a 19" rack unit

Measures 17" wide, 6.5" high, 18" deep

Carry handles on the front and rear panels

EXTREMELY HEAVY UNIT - approximately 50Kg

Front Panel controls/indicators:

Main Power On/Off

Large Multi-coloured display panel

AC Frequency thumbwheel switches (3x) allowing you to set the AC
 Frequency from 0 to 999Hz

Voltage control - multi-turn for precise control and has locking

Current control - multi-turn for precise control and has locking
Output socket

Output socket On/Off switch

Constant Current Led indicator

The rear panel has screw terminals (with protective covers) for:

AC input - to 220V ***NOTE THIS IS 220V NOT OUR 240V***

AC output Phase and Neutral unswitched and switched (from the front panel switch)

A terminal strip on the left-hand side has functions for Reference signals In and Out (strapped) and Signal In and Out (strapped)

Toggle switches on the rear:

Local or Remote control

1x or 2x - this affects the output voltage - see below

The case is steel and largely unmarked - good condition

Tests made:
ALL TESTS MADE WITH 220V AC input via my own variac - it is possible the unit will be fine with 240V but I have not taken that risk during testing.

No Load power requirement from the source AC supply during test was around 240VA

Very nice quiet startup, a fast current surge at power on - up to around 600VA but of a very short duration.

Fan cooling, runs very quietly.

Nice large clear display of the AC output frequency in Red and AC output Voltage and Current in Green.

Smooth operation of the AC output from 0 - 150V AC but when the 2x toggle switch on the rear was turned on, the front panel indicates up to 300V output but at the output I read zero. So I can get operation up to 150V but perhaps I am missing something because I could not get the machine to operate in 2x mode.

Frequency control was stable and accurate - although I noticed when attempting to operate in sub-30Hz region then the output shuts down. 40Hz up to 999Hz AC Frequency was fine.

I looked at the output waveform on a scope, it is sinewave with some slight flattening of the top/bottom of the waveform.

I placed the unit under load, 700VA and no problems occurred at all HOWEVER I could not get the unit into Constant Current mode - I assume this is to do with the strapping on the rear but I have no manual.

I have NO MANUAL for this unit however I believe it is basically functional - certainly the voltage and frequency aspects work, just that current limiting needs checking.

If servicing was required, the unit is very internally accessible and easy to work on and fault find.

Fantastic unit if you wish to have a variable AC power source (up to around 700VA at least) with output frequency control.

It is very hard to put a value on such a specialised piece of professional equipment however I am offering this gear at a greatly reduced price as I need to space in my storage units for more stuff!


Tested as described in the description This item is not returnable, UNLESS not as described