Band existed from 1995-2006 - everything from punk rock to noise to electronica & other mixed up sounds
Experimental, weird, crazy and yet interesting....great if you want something just a bit different, in fact a lot different.
Vocabularinist - Vorsichtsmassnahmen
Subversive Records
Cat# SVCD 035
Simple clear plastic sleeve within which is a lot of graphics/notes/"thoughts" and a back/front cover
CD media is in excellent condition
Tracks: Still Asleep Ends To Me, Manic Depressive Aggressive Toys, Allow 4 Days After Extraction, Stadium Singalong, Jazzbongolatitudelongtitude, Known As Johnsong, The Message Is Freedom, I Guess You Had To Be There, Just Here For Your Benefit, Emergency Pisstop, The Overly Political Poem, Cut To The Chase - Cat & Mouse, Buy This Record Be Our Slave, Alone All Alone, Blind Date All In Good Time, You Just Need It, Hi-Tech Unlubricated Vocavity Search, Handsome Too, Gypsy Reprise, Where Has All My Stuff Gone?, Hybrid Of Someone Elses Idea, Sleep Deprivation Dance
Very obscure, very hard to find copies of this one