EE & G Princeton Applied Research
Also known under other manufacturers branding e.g Perkin Elmer 5210, Signal Recovery
Model 5210
Dual Phase Lock-In Amplifier
This is very specialised equipment, orginally part of a research laboratory (nano technology) - bought back to Australia when I returned from a Singapore assignment.
Very specialised lock-in amplifier from Princeton, I would suggest having a look online to find out more about this type of instrument but in short, it has a diverse range of research applications including optical, electrochemical, electronic, mechanical and fundamental physical studies due to it's extreme sensitivity.
Uses analog demodulators which are still the first choice for many experiments, including those requiring a true analog output, for example in some feedback control loops, or where the instrument is used to recover the envelope modulation of a "carrier" frequency.
These are a brief summary of technical specifications. See also one of the photographs I have taken from the manual.
Frequency range .5Hz to 120Khz
Voltage input sensitivity (full scale) 100nV to 3V rms
Differential inputs - A only or A-B
Input impedance 100M ohms
Current sensitivity (full scale) 10fA to 30nA OR 10fA to 3uA (YES, that is fA - EXTREMELY SMALL CURRENTS)
Voltage or current inputs
Continuous full-scale sensitivity control
Unique Walsh Function Demodulators
Choice of signal channel filter modes
High dynamic reserve
Output filters
Synchronous ADC trigger
Internal oscillator
Manual (LOCAL) or computer (REMOTE) control
I will supply the full user manual with this unit - 133 pages (supplied in pdf format)
Apparently this equipment is subject to strict export control by the US Administration (anti-terrorism laws) - I attempted to obtain schematics from both EG & G (USA) and their Australian agents and discovered they will not release this information because of the strict export control - so obtaining the detailed schematics may be difficult!
This instrument has a current market price of between US$3500 and US$5500, is highly sought after especially by R&D organisations and it would be well worthwhile taking the time to service.
As you would expect from lab based equipment, no casing damage or front/rear panel damage
Note though that the top and underside panels are held in place by 4x threaded screws - the base would normally have feet fitted. There are no feet supplied and the top screws have been used to ensure the underside remains secure.
Overall observations (internally):
The equipment very clean and unmodified internally.
The power supply is linear.
Logic devices are based on the 68000 family, with other logic being from the 74HCT series
There is no SMD packaging used, an indication of the equipment age.
Viewable components of significance, Analog Devices AD569KN D/A (socketed), Quad JFET Op amps LF347 (many), DG508 Multiplexers, DG212 CMOS switches and others which I cannot find any information about, HOWEVER I think the really interesting devices are inside the large rectangular module. This module is sealed and I have made no attempt to open it up. On top of this module is a manufacturers printout of the original test specifications before leaving the factory. Connections to this module appear to be switching range control on one side, logic signals on the other and underneath appears to be where the analog in-outs are connected (coax coming out from underneath)
The main/motherboard appears to be simply double-sided not multi-layer.
It's alive! Powers up fine - multi voltage AC input is selectable, all testing was made set to 240V (IEC male socket)
Front panel LCD panels light up, showing +1888 on both, analog meter swings to the left then right and arbitrarily then stays stationary either to the right or left
Following the setup instructions in the User Manual, it appears to me that the system is "locked up" as I can not get any further response from the front panel - even the local/remote select appears to have no effect.
So, it would appear that something is wrong for sure.
I then powered off, did some very basic cpu-eprom reseating of the socketed devices. I inspected the board for obvious component failure, none observed. I do see extensive use of tantalum capacitors which are prone to failure after many years (in my experience)
I made some basic voltage tests at the ic's themselves. The uP and associated components rails all seemed fine (4.9V) and the LF347 is sitting at around 17.5V +/- rails as is the TL082 I tested today.It would have been much better to start measurements at the power supply filter capacitors but I haven't the time to delve deeper into this equipment. I noticed the power supply layout is quite accessible, low voltage AC to the main board, full wave rectifiers, filter capacitors and then off to a number of 78/79 series TO-220 regulators mounted on the inside of the rear panel.
The main board has a 3V Lithium button battery (type 2430) which is reading 0 volts. Temporarily installed another 3V Lithium battery, this made no difference.
Unless the control can be switched back to local from remote, the front panel will not do anything. I have not spent the time trying to access the unit through the data port at the rear, perhaps it is listening to this port exclusively.
So this instrument is offered on a "Powers up, voltages appear fine but something is wrong" basis
I don't have the time to investigate the equipment further, it is now time for it to find a new owner who can dedicate their time to working through the system to establish what may be wrong (if anything) and make good use of this very sensitive measurement equipment.
It will be entirely up to the new owner to "sort things out" because the original manufacturer and their dealers will not support the product, claiming that it is protected under US Export restrictions and in fact I shouldn't even have this equipment in my possession, they say.
That said, I see some forum discussions about this equipment or its predecessors the 5104 although the 5210 is quite different in design and board layout. The 5209 is similar but I also have no schematics for that equipment either.
I can supply the 5210 User Manual, Perkin Elmer 5210 product description (gives some technical information) and the 5104 complete with schematics.