Stetron is a USA based engineering company, designing various telco components.
Manufacturing is undertaken in Asia currently
OEM supplier for Polycom Soundpoint
Used in Model IP450 handsets
Stetron Loudspeaker
Designed for Telco subscriber equipment use
Part # DB06-034
Paper cone
47mm diameter - round
22mm height
Impedance is estimated to be in the range 6 - 8 Ohms (DC voice-coil resistance is 4 Ohms)
Being designed for Telco use, it would be fair to expect frequency response from around 250Hz to 6Khz (3dB points)
Judging by the size and intended application, this speaker would handle around 250mW comfortably
Specific speaker details can be obtained directly from Stetron at
Comes complete with the mounting bracket