I thought all of my old valves had already "left home" to seek their fortune in the big wide world but no, I found this bunch. Actually they are all related in that they came from an ANCIENT Taylor 31A Oscilloscope from Britain, made in 1953
The scope was in need of such extensive restoration that I decided it was a "parts job" and off she went to the operating table. The caps and very old carbon resistors were completely shot but there remained some interesting and perhaps useful parts - these valves were extracted but NOT tested. I had a couple of valve testers way back in the day but stupidly sold them! So I have no means of testing these valves.
The scope was in good shape overall, just the passives had done their dash, the HV transformers, ELECTROSTATIC CRT and other interesting items all found new homes - working perfectly.
So, these tubes are offered AS-IS UNTESTED - I know it's a "gamble" (isn't life a gamble?) but I am quite confident they will be fine.
The valves in the picture are as follows:
(Going from left to right in the photograph)
None are in boxes, I have always stored them in a special sealed pack to both protect the glass and the print on the side
OSRAM : 2x Type Z77 (similar to an EF91) Both are clearly identified as Z77's - nice heavy print on the glass envelope, much better than the terrible print techniques often used which rub off so easily!
OSRAM: 2x Type Z309 Low microphony high voltage gain Pentode. One glass envelope is easy to read the type number, the other tube has completely lost it's identity but I have inspected the architecture inside the tube and it is identical to the valve marked as Z309
UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER: 1x 6xB8 (?) Letters/numbers partially rubbed off. Made In Holland clearly visible but no logo, I would guess this is a Philips 6AB8 tube. I think the original ECL80 used in the scope failed and this was the substitute used. Tube architecture looks very much like an ECL80
Five valves offered in total
I DO have the Mu Metal shields for these and you can view these HERE
NO gassing!
All pins straight and although lightly oxidised, perfectly usable
Each valve has now been separately packed and then all valves packed together within a safe, sealed package ready to leave "home"