Ex workshop "pull" from precision position sensoring equipment, this component has a high tolerance and particularly good linearity
RS PRO - Rotary Potentiometer
RS Electronics UK but I strongly suspect this is actually Allen Bradley product "private label"
Type: 9306
Value: 20K
5% tolerance
Taper: Linear (this is not indicated on the body so I needed to test the taper manually)
Linearity: +/- 0.25%
10 turn with stops each end
Panel mounting (supplied with nut)
Round 1/4" shaft (not a D shape with flat spot) with a slot at the end of the shaft
Body: 22mm diameter x 19mm height
Panel mounting hole required: minimum 9.5mm
Shaft length: 12.25mm
Solder tag terminations
Clean and undamaged physically
Solder tags have been cleaned nicely
Being a USED potentiometer, I checked both the track resistance and wiper travel linearity and looked for signs of "dead spots"
Measured track resistance: 20.16K Ohm
NO issues with linearity and no dead spots detected
To maintain the condition of this potentiometer, it has now been sealed in a clear plastic packet