Another very nice A.B potentiometer, particularly the fact that this one is a dual concentric pot.
ALLEN & BRADLEY (A.B) - Rotary Potentiometer
Country of origin is unsure but most likely to be Mexico
One side of the pot has AUSTRALIA printed on it although I do not recall Allen Bradley ever having manufacturing facilities here in Australia, I can only assume these were a "customer special" for the Australian manufacturer of the laboratory instrument.
Series: MOD POT
Dual gang
Concentric wiper movement i.e each pot rotates independently of the other
100K Ohm & 10K Ohm
Printed on the body of the potentiometer
B-100K-OHM W
End cap is the standard A.B plastic with the company logo & MOD POT
300 degree rotation
Panel mounting (supplied with washer & nut)
"Locating tab on one side" to prevent physical rotation of the body when mounted
Solder tag terminals to one side of the body
Total Shaft Length: 23mm
Forward shaft: 11.5mm length x 3.2mm diameter round with no flat spot
Rear shaft: 11.5mm x 6.25mm diameter round with no flat spot
Body: 25.5mm length x 16mm x 16mm
Threaded shaft mount requires a hole minimum 9.5mm diameter
ALL old, used components should be tested - no matter how 'well considered' the manufacturer may be ...
Track 1: 12.18K Ohm with the lowest possible resistance being 0.4 Ohm
Track 2: 117.2K Ohm with the lowest possible resistance being 0.4 Ohm
Both pots read close to 20% tolerance from their nominal value
Both wipers act in unison in the same direction i.e clockwise rotation causes a resistance increase at the wiper terminal at each pot. I only mention this because I have had special pots in the past where the two tracks work OPPOSITE each other i.e as one pot increases in value, the other reduces at the wiper.
Resistance variation of both pots was smooth and linear during the entire rotation i.e NO dead spots
Clean body and shaft(s)
Solder tags have been 'cleaned up', ready for hard wired installation
This dual A.B potentiometer has now been placed in a sealed clear plastic packet, waiting to find a new purpose in life!