As removed (working fine) from a Leader Stereoscope
Ex Leader Stereoscope Model LBC-552C but this could be repurposed into other vintage test equipment
Model: 130BXB31
White phosphor, glows green
NOTE: This type of tube does NOT have an anode cap, all voltages are supplied to the rear connector.
Accelerating Voltage 2000V
Focusing Voltage 320...480V
Grid No.2 Voltage 2000V
Spot Cutoff Voltage -25...-66V
Deflection Factor X-axis 20.7...25.3VDC/cm
Deflection Factor Y-axis 12.2...14.8VDC/cm
Band Width DC...20MHz
Supplied complete with mounting hardware (as used in the original Leader equipment so this may not suit other equipment) including the tube socket.
I have left the white soft rubber ring on the front of the tube, this ring may or may not be useful in other "non-Leader" equipment.
Great physical condition, no damage at all and the tube socket has had all the wiring removed and is now bare solder terminals.
Light burn in (horizontal line) to the phosphor but this is not severe
*** WARNING ***
Handle with extreme care, these CRT glass envelopes are under a very high vacuum - if you crack the neck, there is a high risk of personal injury from glass fragments due to the implosion that will occur if the tube becomes damaged.
No problems shipping this CRT, packed in a "cradle" and well protected while in transit.