Hmmm another random find from one of the boxes I am sorting through ...
I would have liked to find more technical details but alas drew blanks EXCEPT for THIS LINK where someone else has been testing the filter for their own project
NDK (JAPAN) - Crystal Filter
Type: 10P17D
Centre frequency: 10.7Mhz
8 pole
Bandwidth: 17Khz
Terminating impedance: 910 ohm/25 pF
Here is some test results made by the person in the link above (just in case his blog site disappears)
Completely sealed all metal packaging
2x pins (short) with two bolts/nuts for mounting. When I say the pins are short, I mean REALLY short at 2.5mm so it would probably be required to directly solder to the pins instead of trying to fit onto a PCB, just the substrate would be too thick in most cases.
Large (for a crystal filter)
35.75mm length x 26.25mm wide x 18.95mm height
Both pins, although short, are clean and remain easy to hard-wire connect.
Both mounting bolts have the nuts supplied
Now packed into a sealed clear plastic packet