Good solid turntable dust cover hinges ex an AWA SP-08 turntable. It is possible that these hinges can be used with dust cover lids from other manufacturers but you will need to decide this for yourself based on the information below ...
Vinyl Turntable SPARE PART
Part: Dust Cover Hinges (2)
Previously fitted to an AWA SP-08 turntable dust cover
Very likely it will suit use with other turntable dust cover lids
Colour: Black
Construction: All metal - no plastic parts at all
Very good, clean condition
Metal spring is not rusted and has plenty of tension
Operation of the hinge is smooth
Two metal plates, pivot where they join, the join is a permanent metal rivot
The spring inside is large, clean/unrusted and has plenty of tension
Plate 1: Turntable Lid
40mm x 26mm x 2.4mm thick
This plate slips into a corresponding 'thin rectangular channel' on the AWA original dust cover, so if using this on another turntable, make sure the plate size will fit into the channel on your turntable and that the thickness of the plate will comfortably fit inside the channel.
Plate 2: Rear of turntable
26.3mm wide x 33.5mm high x 1.1mm thick
3x mounting holes (no thread) 3mm diameter each
2 of the holes are 12.5mm apart and the 3rd hole is set apart, centred to the plate and 10mm above the other two holes.
I am NOT supplying the 6x securing screws required - the type used will depend upon what type of turntable plinth you are attaching these hinges to