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IE International DEEP BLUE WORLD 200 Feet Super 8 Colour Film With Sound 1970's


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My "world" is 'the arts' and more specifically, music, artwork and hand crafted/decorated chinaware's.

I am not a film enthusiast but an associate has asked me to find new owners for THEIR large collection of photographic and film items ... this is one of those items.

While the world of 8mm/Super 8mm is not my area of expertise, I am doing my best to establish the condition of each item that I am listing.

I tend to be quite detailed in my item descriptions, please READ all the details to decide if this item may interest you.

Now, on with the description ...

DEEP BLUE WORLD - Super 8 Film

Catalogue # unknown

Full Colour

Sound (Mono)

Run time: approximately 8 minutes

Released by IE International (Italy)

Produced by Pyramid Films (USA)

Not quite what I expected .... this is definitely an oceanic sealife film but it has been produced in a very "arty" fashion.

There is no narration or dialogue, instead it has a background music track. The music is at times "jazz like" and then electronica experimental. At the same time, the film has cut out sections with bursts of colour intensity - it's all a bit strange! The film does not educate the viewer about the fish or where in the ocean the photography was made, the focus of the film is synchronising the visual effects of the fish moving around in the water with the background music.

Label indicates this film was Academy Award nominated - no indication if it actually won an award!




Very good

Film stock and replacement reel are undamaged

Replacement? Yes, the original film reel had physical damage so I ran the entire film through the projector onto a replacement reel.

Replacement reel? THIS MEANS THE FILM IS ACTUALLY SUPPLIED ON THE REEL, BACK TO FRONT - When the new owner receives this film, it needs to be fed back onto a spare 5" reel, I am sure that a Super 8 enthusiast will have plenty of those empty 5" reels "hanging around", once done then things will be right with the film/reel.

NO leader film is fitted - actually there was a leader film and I could see it had damaged sprockets and it definitely did not like being fed through my projector - I cut the old leader away and just viewed the film without the film leader.

Outer all plastic case is in good condition, no cracks or pieces broken but there are some handling scuff marks to the front in particular

NO names or other writing on the case


Test projector is the ELMO 1200 that I have on hand at the moment.

Film looks to be clean and in good condition, sprocket holes are not damaged.

I ran this film through the projector in it's entirety due to the original damaged source reel.

The colour has, to a lesser degree than some of the other films I have viewed, definitely shifted towards the Red end of town although many of the underwater ocean scenes look pretty good.

Sound is good, with good levels and not muffled although at times the music is pretty strange - see my notes above about this ... it appears the film was made in the "arty genre"

In my opinion, after this testing, I am happy that the film is as stated on the case label and looks to be in reasonable "technical" condition.

Anyway, I am very fastidious and careful with these films and I have now packed it back into the original case AND sealed the film within clear plastic - waiting for a Super 8 film buff who likes to view film's which are just a little bit different

USED EXACTLY as described