Viacom International
Viacom International ELVIS Roustabout M60 Super 8 Film (400 Foot Reel) Colour Home Movie With Sound 1964
$35.00 -
Walt Disney Productions
Walt Disney Productions A WALT DISNEY CHRISTMAS (642) Super 8 Film Colour With Sound 1970's
$35.00 -
Walt Disney Home Movies
Walt Disney Studios DONALD DUCK DILEMMAS (Five Cartoons On One Reel) Super 8 Colour 400 Feet Film With Sound 1970's
$25.00 -
Walton (Super 8 Home Movies)
Walton Film QUEEN'S SILVER JUBILEE London Celebrations 200 Feet Super 8 Colour Sound Home Movie
$25.00 -
Walton (Super 8 Home Movies)
Walton Home Movies THE THREE STOOGES Go West Super 8 Film Monochrome Sound (2x 7" Reels In Canister)1970's
$20.00 -
Walton (Super 8 Home Movies)
Waltons Super 8 Film GINGER NUTTS Bee Bother Colour With Sound (#B555)
$15.00 -
Warner Brothers
Warner Bros BLAZING SADDLES Super 8 Film (400 Feet Reel) Colour Home Movie With Sound 1974