High quality custom designed/manufactured for Australian Broadcasting Corporation, featuring 2 channel analog high bandwidth video transmission conversion for the purposes of analog video transmission between two points using twisted pair.
The video standard used is RGBHV - high bandwidth analog Red Green Blue video signals with separate Horizontal and Vertical Sync signals.
Conversion to twisted pair enables much longer distance transmission but DOES NEED a convertor at the receiving end to change the twisted pair video signal back to RGBHV on a HD15 connector.
So here is just one "end" of the transmission path - to use this equipment it is required that a converter be placed at the distant end which will take the twisted pair signal and convert it back to RGBHV native.
1RU rack mount
High quality sub-assemblies have been used, a 4 channel RGBHV input to the pre-assembled input switching boards which then go to a PT110 video module which converts the RGBHV to Twisted Pair outputs available at the rear panel.
Each input channel (there are two, both are identical) has 4 inputs which are usuable independently.
For example, if you input 2 separate RGBHV analog video sources, for example on input 1 and 4, you can determine which output the video appears at OR simply have one input appearing on both channels.
2 of the inputs are available on BNC connectors and the other 2 are HD15 connectors
Switching of channels is very simple - a toggle switch for each channel. Each movement of the switch switches sequentially from channel 1 to 4.
Use of the equipment is very intuitive, easy to use and yes, fully functioning.
Manufacture standard is very high, as would be expected from broadcast industry equipment