Completely passive module - suitable for alternative uses, particularly the very nice EAO switches
Ex broadcast equipment, this module is from the Remora 4 audio (operators) control surface
Part number: LG-374A REM-4 SW
8 Illuminated Switches, arranged in 2 rows, 4 to each row
The switches used as extremely high use rated, very nice feel to their operation
Switches are from EAO type 95-414.000
These are current product from RS Electronics, at A$14 each (new)
The human tactile interfaces (switches) are completely passive (no matrix) and there are only the series limiting resistors for each switch/LED - no other electronics on board.
These EAO switches have an integral LED inside each switch, the top cap can be prised off (6 point clips) which allows for decal labelling if desired
Smooth soft touch plunger switch operation, SPST (Push On Release Off)
All contacts go to an edge connector and the matching ribbon cable is supplied.
Module is complete (includes the ribbon cable) and undamaged
I am offering exactly as pictured, if you cannot see something then it is not included.
Fully functioning prior to removal from service and (although not necessary), stored in an ESD bag.